» Dental Scaling
Dental scaling is the cleaning of teeth and the mucosal space around the teeth. In earlier days the dental hygienist and doctors used to do the dental scaling manually with different scaler instruments for different teeth. But in modern dentistry the experts at laungia dental hospital use Ultrasonic vibrations based scaler instruments. Usually a thick tartar deposits around the teeth and the submucosal deposits are not completely removed with routine brushing & flossing. This deposition causes stained & bad aesthetic look of the teeth, halitosis (foul smell) and chronic gingivitis, leading to bleeding gums with loose mobile teeth, resulting in teeth loss.There for the laungia dental hospital is always ready, to protect your teeth loss, give you prevention and cure for the cosmetic looks, saves you from halitosis, and gum diseases. Depending upon the amount of depositions your visits are decided. Our expert doctors advise for dental checkup and scaling every six months.
» Gingivectomy
It is a periodontal surgery. Some people have much overgrown (hypertrophied) gums which lodge infection resulting in bad oral hygiene causing foul smelling (halitosis) and loose mobile tooth. To rescue The patients from gradual loss of teeth, a foul smelling bad oral hygiene, the surgery of Gingivectomy is advised.Dr. Parminderjit kaur has successfully performed several such surgeries with satisfactory results. Common cause of such hypertrophied gums is chronic gingivitis ( Gum infection) and/or some drugs like anti epileptics.
» Pericoronal Flap Removal
Whenever a tooth is partially erupted (usually the last molars), it remains covered with a gum flap called pericoronal flap. The food particles get deposited under these cover flaps and the decayed food results in infection and inflammation (swelling with pain), these swollen flaps are irritating and painful causing bad oral hygiene and difficult to brush & clean. This results in pocket formation. The treatment for this is pericoronal flap removal also called operculectomy. This is done under local infiltration anesthesia by incising and removing the part of gum flap covering the partially erupted tooth. After the operation a cotton swab is placed over it and the patient is asked to press upon it by biting over it. In about one hour the bleeding stops and the swab is removed. It is advised to take cold semi liquid food for one day and avoid chewing on that side for few days. Some preventive antibiotic and analgesic medicine is usually given.
» Frenectomy
Going by definition the Frenum is a tag of tissue at various locations in the body and oral cavity. For us as Dental experts, the main and major frenular attachment of concern is, the one which keeps the upper and lower lips connected to the gum margins, other buccal frenular ties are infrequent and benign, still if needed the latter could also be handled. But the upper and lower lip frenum (the ties to gums) should be examined by a doctor. It’s the expert dental surgeons to evaluate that how much pull these are causing on the attached gums. Any greater pull than normal will invariably cause the retraction of the gum margins, and resulting in loose & mobile tooth. The retraction of the gums over the tooth also causes exposure of the tooth roots, and gap between teeth
» Flap Surgery (For Curettage)
Some people never consult a doctor without any acute emergency. If such people have bad oral hygiene with chronic gum infections, due to thick and heavily infected deposits around the teeth, they are likely to reach a stage commonly called pyorrhea. The pus oozing swollen gums not amenable to medicines & gum paints is a state of suppurative periodontitis. This is where the surgery of Flap operation is required giving a new life to the oral cavity and dignity to the patient. In this situation there is pus formation in the Infra bony pockets of the alveolar bone filled with unhealthy granulation tissue. These infra bony pockets with unhealthy granulation tissue become the pools of pus from where the pus continues to ooze out nonstop. This pool of infra bony pus can’t be treated without surgery.
Stages of Periodontal Diseases